The construction works in Tolpanvaara started in February of 2022. The first wind turbines will be erected in spring 2023.
The construction of the wind farm will start with preparatory work, with the first stage of operations seeing the construction of roads, cleaning of the areas for the construction of the wind turbine foundations, and the preparation of crane pads. This will be followed by the construction of the foundations, the installation of the cables, and the construction of the substations. The first wind turbines will be erected around a year after the start of the operations, i.e. in spring 2023 under the current schedule. Before the project is declared completed, the installed wind turbines will be tested and configured over several months to ensure that everything is functioning correctly.
Effects on everyday life
The project area is a deer and small-game hunting area. According to section 8 of the Hunting Act, Pudasjärvi belongs to the so-called area of free hunting where a resident has the right to hunt in state-owned areas in his or her hometown. There are five hunting clubs in the project area: Pelttar Region Hunting Club, Malinen Lot, Kosamo Hunting Club ra, Ervastinseudun Metsästysseura, Puutteen Erä and Oulun Eräkaira 1999.
In the project area, on the shore of Tautilampi, there is one wilderness hut to be utilised for hunting. In addition, on the border of the project area, there is a private wilderness hut in the Säkkisenaho area.
A notification has been published in the newsletter for the moose hunting clubs of the area and the local game management association (Riistanhoitoyhdistys).
The new road network will improve the accessibility of the area and thus have a positive impact on recreational activities. The visibility from the transmission line openings can also be utilised in hunting.
Increased human activity in the project area during construction may temporarily reduce the number of animals moving in the area and thereby impair hunting. Deer may move further away from areas where construction is actively taking place. Modifications to the project area, such as road reinforcement and landscaping, may temporarily reduce game movement in the project area. During construction, hunting may be subject to restrictions for safety reasons.
Reindeer Husbandry
The Tolpanvaara-Jylhänvaara area is a reindeer herding area and belongs to the Pintamo herd area. According to the agreement with Pintamo reindeer owners’ association (Fi: Pintamon paliskunta) on 9 December 2014, effects caused by the development to the reindeer husbandry will be compensated.
GPS has been installed on five reindeer to monitor their movement during the wind farm construction and operation phase.
Walking in the forest
The Tolpanvaara-Jylhävaara area is a popular berry-picking and outdoor hunting area. The area also offers mushroom picking, fishing and forestry.
Movement in the vicinity of wind turbines under construction may need to be restricted for safety reasons. When in operation, the wind farm will not block access to the project area or make it more difficult for recreational use, such as berry picking, mushroom picking or hunting.
During the winter season, the forest roads will be cleaned of snow for maintenance of the wind farm, which will facilitate travel in the forest and may create new opportunities for recreational activities. The wind turbines will be equipped with de-icing devices to reduce the risk of ice-throw.
When travelling in the vicinity of the construction operations, it is necessary to exercise caution and observe the erected warning signs.
The construction phase may affect some people living along transport routes, primarily due to a temporary increase in traffic. This can be mitigated through active information and by improving traffic safety, e.g. setting speed limits.
Temporary road closures may occur during the transport of wind turbine components, and the relevant traffic regulations must be observed. In most cases, wind turbine components will be transported at night to minimise disruption. The transport of components is expected to take place from May to June 2023.
The wind farm will be accessible from two points via 8390 Näljängäntie.
In this area, it is essential to observe the temporary traffic regulations shown on information boards and traffic signs.
Detailed overview of the stages of and schedule for the construction work
Roads and crane pads
Construction of new roads and reconstruction of existing forest roads. Construction of crane pads.
Construction of anchor and gravity foundations (pit excavation, installation of anchors, installation of reinforcement, concrete pouring, and backfilling)
Installation of underground cables
Construction of substation
Wind turbines
Erection of wind turbines