Tolpanvaara – Enefit Green’s first wind farm in Finland

Renewable energy producer Enefit Green is building a wind farm with 13 wind turbines in Tolpanvaara. The wind farm will be located around 30 km from the town of Pudasjärvi, on a plot of land owned by the Finnish state and managed by Metsähallitus. It will enter operation in 2024, generating 250 gigawatt-hours of green electricity per year. This is enough to cover the annual consumption of nearly 40,000 Finnish households and will contribute to the achievement of the nation’s climate goals.
Studies show that the wind conditions in Tolpanvaara are excellent, and there are no zones in the region that are subject to national defence or nature conservation restrictions. As the area is used for forest management, there are no residences in the area of the wind farm, which means that the disturbance caused to the public is minimal. Moreover, there is a good network of forest roads in the area, thanks to which fewer roads need to be built for the construction and maintenance of the wind farm.

Facts and figures
- Installed capacity: 76.5 MW (12 x 5.9, 1 x 5.7 MW)
- Number of wind turbines: 13
- Wind turbine tip height: 230 m
- Rotor diameter: 163 m
- Two wind farm substations
- Length of roads inside the wind farm: 18 km
- Length of cables in the wind farm: 18 km
- CO2 emissions prevented by the farm’s electricity production: 7.5 million tonnes (compared to coal)
- Wind farm’s electricity production covers the average annual consumption of nearly 40 000 Finnish households